Conference Papers Year : 2021

Circum-nuclear molecular disks: Role in AGN fueling and feedback


Gas fueling AGN (Active Galaxy Nuclei) is now traceable at high-resolution with ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) and NOEMA (NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array). Dynamical mechanisms are essential to exchange angular momentum and drive the gas to the super-massive black hole. While at 100pc scale, the gas is sometimes stalled in nuclear rings, recent observations reaching 10pc scale (50mas), may bring smoking gun evidence of fueling, within a randomly oriented nuclear gas disk. AGN feedback is also observed, in the form of narrow and collimated molecular outflows, which point towards the radio mode, or entrainment by a radio jet. Precession has been observed in a molecular outflow, indicating the precession of the radio jet. One of the best candidates for precession is the Bardeen-Petterson effect at small scale, which exerts a torque on the accreting material, and produces an extended disk warp. The misalignment between the inner and large-scale disk, enhances the coupling of the AGN feedback, since the jet sweeps a large part of the molecular disk.

Dates and versions

obspm-03996767 , version 1 (20-02-2023)



Francoise Combes. Circum-nuclear molecular disks: Role in AGN fueling and feedback. Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different Environments. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2021, à renseigner, Unknown Region. pp.312-317, ⟨10.1017/S1743921320001544⟩. ⟨obspm-03996767⟩
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