Conference Poster Year : 2021

Earth Orientation Parameters determination by GNSS & VLBI Combination at Normal Equation Level

Détermination des paramètres d'orientation de la Terre par techniques GNSS et VLBI combinées au niveau des équations normales


The Earth orientation parameters (EOP), the regular products of IERS Earth Orientation Centre, are computed at daily bases by combination of EOP solutions using different astro-geodetic techniques. At SYRTE we have developed a strategy of combination of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques at normal equation level using Dynamo software maintained by CNES (France). This approach allows to produce the EOP at the daily bases, which contains polar coordinates (x,y) and their rates (x_dot, y_dot), universal time UT1 and its rate LOD, and corrections from IAU2000A/2006 precession-nutation model (dX,dY), and in the same run station coordinates constituting the terrestrial frame (TRF). The recorded EOP solutions obtained from GNSS and VLBI combination at weekly bases is recently maintained by SYRTE. The strategy applied to consistently combine the IGS and IVS solutions provided in Sinex format over the time period 2000-2021 are presented and the resulting EOP, station positions (TRF) are analysed and evaluated, differences w.r.t. the individual solutions and the IERS time-series investigated.
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Jean-Yves Richard, Christian Bizouard, Sebastien Lambert, Olivier Becker. Earth Orientation Parameters determination by GNSS & VLBI Combination at Normal Equation Level. EGU general assembly 2021, Apr 2021, Vienne, Austria. 2021, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2511⟩. ⟨obspm-03978664⟩
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