The Dark Matter Content of Early-Type Galaxies in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey
The total mass of a galaxy is a fundamental parameter that drives galaxy evolution. However, the nature of dark matter in early-type galaxies is still very much under debate. Because early-type galaxies do not have large scale HI disks, dynamical masses are often measured using discrete tracers such as globular clusters (GCs) or planetary nebulae, or hot X-ray gas. While some massive ellipticals have high mass-to-light ratios, other intermediate-luminosity ellipticals appear to require little or no dark matter. Current sample sizes for these studies are on the order of a few, and the galaxies studied are in very different environments. We propose to use Gemini/GMOS-N to measure radial velocities of GCs and measure dynamical masses of four sub-L* early-type galaxies in the interesting but unexplored luminosity range -20.5
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Submitted on : Thursday, November 17, 2022-10:44:54 AM
Last modification on : Friday, January 10, 2025-12:38:04 PM
Eric Peng, Dean Mclaughlin, Andres Jordan, Gelys Trancho, Marianne Takamiya, et al.. The Dark Matter Content of Early-Type Galaxies in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey. 2008, pp.186. ⟨obspm-03857210⟩