Equipe SCEE : Signal, Communication et Electronique Embarquée
SCEE is a research team of SUPELEC, Campus of Rennes, member of the IETR (Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes - UMR CNRS 6164), AC group (Automatic and Communications).
SCEE activities are the study and design of future communication systems based on Software Radio and Cognitive Radio concepts.
- Digital communications and signal processing
- Equalization et channel estimation techniques (ERD, multicarrier)
- Non-linearities processing (OFDM & SWR)
- Synchronization techniques
- MIMO (source separation and PAPR)
- Software radio implementation on reconfigurable architectures
- Study and design of reconfigurable architectures (HW/SW, MIMO)
- Parameterization techniques and multi-standards systems optimization
- Implementation on heterogeneous platforms (FPGA DSP)
- Smart sensors
- Face analysis and synthesis
- Ressources optimization (standards recognition, spectrum holes)